Every year precisely in June, Tenganan village holds festivals ranging from art and culture, exhibition, culinary and tradition pandan war (mekare-kare) where, a friendly duel between all villagers especially men, who fight each other with a small rattan shield in one hand and a pack of leafy (Pandan) on the other side. You as a tourist can also join together celebrate the feast of victory and also a tribute to Indra, the god of war.

Perang Pandan (Pandan war) is one of the traditions performed to honor the God of war. They carry on a tradition of pandan war each year to relive their freedom over the cruel and cruelty of Maya King Dena and to honor the god Indra who is also known by the Hindu community as a God of War.

During this celebration you can also see the fabrication of Geringsing 'double ikat' valuable heritage, which the villagers use as part of the family during the ritual. The views of the village houses are gracefully decorated, and the girls ride on the big wooden swings as well as the various local food that you can try.

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